GD11 Cell Factory Ampoules
The core ingredient of this product is the conditioned media derived from human umbilical cord blood, comprising 89 kinds of skin growth factors. The USC-CM we employed are proven by clinical trials of its efficacy on wrinkles reduction, boosting collagen formation. Its composition of glutathione, also well-known as the key component of Cinderalla Injection, and carcauplum extract provides excellent ability to brightening, anti-oxidation and inhibition of melanin pigment activity.
When innovation meets luxury, Cell FactoryΒ #StemCellΒ Ampoule occurs.
We are brining you the new age of anti-aging skin care.
πIt's the best way toΒ #rediscoverΒ anew skin.
π«Human Cord Blood Cell Conditioned Media is the next brilliant development in keeping the skin firm and smooth.
A rich collection of proteins derived from umbilical cord blood have been found to have amazing wound healing and cell growth properties. Perfect for maintaining plump, strong skin!
Claim its benefits in our Cell Factory products today!
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π§ͺStem Cells ααΊααα α ααΆαααα·ααΆααααΈα ααΆααααα·αααααααΆαααααααααΆααα·ααααααααΈααααΆαααΊα Cell Turnover & Cell Regeneration or Glow Factor ααα»αααΆαααΆααααΈαααα ααΊα’αΆα ααααΆααΆαααααααααα αΆααααααα»αααΆααα’αααααααΆαααΌα ααΆ αααα αΆααααααα»ααα»αααααΆαααααΆααααα½ααα»ααα·αααααααααΒ αα·αααΊααααΒ αα·αααααΊααααβΉοΈΒ αααα½α αα·αααΆααααααΈααααααααααΆααΒ αααααααΌαααΆαααααααααΈααα·ααααα»αΒ αα»αααα ααααααα αααΆαααΈαα
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βα ααααα― GD11 Cell Factory ααΊααΆαααααααααααΈααααααΌααα αααααααααΈα Edelweiss Stem CellΒ αααααΆααααααααααΈαααααα αααΆααα ααααΈαααααΈααα·ααααα αα·αααΆααααααααΆαααΌα αααααΆααα·αααααΆααΆααααΈ ααααααααΆαα½αα ααα»α αα·αααααααααααΌα ααΆα
πααΈαα½α ααΆααααααΈ ααα αΆαααααΆαααααααααα Edelweiss Stem CellΒ αααααΆαααααα·αααααΆα αα½ααα»ααααα·ααΆα αΆααα αα·ααααα·ααΆααΌα ααααααΆααααααα»ααααα·ααΆααααΈααααΆαααΏααααα»αααααααα½αββ α αΎαα α·ααα αΊααααααααααααααααΆααααα ααααααααΆαααααα»ααααααα
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αααΆαα αααααΈααααΆααααΆααΆαααΆαααααααααΈααααΈααα½αααΆαααααα·αααααΆαααΆααααααΏαα
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πWake up your dull skin with the powerful formula of Cell Factory Beam Cell Glow Ampoule.
πInfused with Stem Cells from Human umbilical cord, it is rich in antioxidants to naturally ignite skin rejenuvation
πDiscover smoother, clearer and brighter skin in its first use. Not just words, we have proof
π©ββWhat make this ampoule so special?
πThe core ingredient of this product is the conditioned media derived from human umbilical cord blood, comprising 89 kinds of skin growth factors. The USC-CM we employed are proven by clinical trials of its efficacy on wrinkles reduction, boosting collagen formation. Its composition of glutathione, also well-known as the key component of Cinderalla Injection, and carcauplum extract provides excellent ability to brightening, anti-oxidation and inhibition of melanin pigment activity.
πCalming Ampoule by Cell Factory is infused with Infused with stem cell extract and all natural ingredients so that it can absorb instantly into the skin to soothe irritations, and repair skin damage, leaving you with a healthy, happy skin thatβs not sticky at all.
πThe Cell Factory Calmingcell Soothing Ampoule maintains hydration with the help of Panthenol, a powerful skin penetrator.
With each application the moisture is locked in, not to be lost to the elements for hours!
πYour soothed skin will always be soft and supple with this ampoule.
πIt works instantly because it contains human cord cell conditioned media liposome, effectively achievingΒ π§moisture levels in skin. It is proven fact after multiple clinical examination that this concentrate isΒ π¨fast and efficient in reducing irritants on skin and leaves soothe and firm skin. It also has extracts from centella asiatica and houttuynia Cordata along with mixta flower water for enhancing soothing effects on sensitive skin. Along with these paeonia root extracts provides brightening effects on skinπ«
Cell Factory Calmingcell Soothing Ampoule is suggested for:
πPeople who want to soothe and repair irritations.
πSkin is prone to redness and burning sensations
πPeople who want to flaunt healthy and problem free skin.
Whatever the reason, this watery Ampoule resolves all concerns in a goπ€©
This package includes a smart applicator with labeled marks.πThe amount of ampoule can be controlled depending on the conditions of your skin.
πΊLIGHT mark for thin cover
πΊNORMAL mark for daily use
πΊINTENSE mark for extra special care.
#αα»ααααα½αααααααααα ααααααααΆααΆααααααΈααα·ααααααααα
π§Moisture is one of the pillars of youthful skin, next to elasticity.
The Cell Factory Hydracell Aqua Ampoule provides both of these elements in just one application!
Hyaluronic acid keeps your skin hydrated while the proteins in Human Cord Blood Cell Conditioned Media maintain its firmnessπΆ
Together they keep you youthful complexion soft and wrinkle-freeπ€©
Why you should choose Hydracell Aqua Ampoule by Cell Factory Lab?
It's effective ingredients like
π89 types of proteins USC1994-LS extracted from Human cord blood cell works on skin firmness
π7 types of hyaluronic acid responsible for filling up skin with moisture and increase it's elasticity.
πJojoba seed oil helps in holding moisture in the skin and protects from damages.
πDualiela Salina Extract aids in moisture boosting in skin.
Who can use Cell Factory Hydracell Aqua Ampoule?
πskin is suffering from dryness
πmoisture loss causes skin to loosen out
πlooking for a hydrated and nourished skin
Single use, you will wake up to ultra softΒ πΆΒ baby skin!