Etude CAREddict All-in-One Base - Exp: 11.01.25
Etude CAREddict All-in-One Base - Exp: 11.01.25
Etude CAREddict All-in-One Base - Exp: 11.01.25
Etude CAREddict All-in-One Base - Exp: 11.01.25

Etude CAREddict All-in-One Base - Exp: 11.01.25

Etude House
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Multi-function all-in-one makeup base that can soothe your skin.

Recognized as enhanced transfer-proof product by the application test
Provides multiple benefits: Protecting the skin from UV radiation and removing blemishes along with skin brightening, anti-wrinkle and tone-up effects

Featured ingredients

  • Teca Calming Barrier-9TM(3%): Delivers strength and relaxation to the skin stressed from wearing a mask
  • Mastein Defense TechnologyTM: Minimizes the makeup transfer

Comes in 2 colors with skin shade
#1 Vanilla
#2 Sand