- CURSE IS TO BE BROKEN: Are you suffering from a cursed-skin with dryness, redness, irritation, blackheads and stuff? The time has come to escape from this nightmare. Zombie Beauty Witch Pack will take care of all those skin troubles and wash your worries away.
- EVERY DROP OF GREEN TEA IS IN IT: Green Tea Leaf Water(71%), Green Tea Powder, Green Tea Extract and Green Tea Oil. Every essence of green tea is contained in this 1 single pack. Experience fresh yet soothing cleansing effect with Zombie Beauty.
- CREAMY MUD TEXTURE: Greenish mud dries over your face and leaves cooling effect while it doesn’t irritate skin like other existing mud pack. Inorganic powders like Kaolin and Bentonite would gently cover every corner of your face to give soothing effect.
- DEAD SKIN, ROUGH SKIN, PORES. GO AWAY!: Whenever your skin feel dry, rough, irritated and hot, just put on some Witch Pack to take care of all those skin troubles. After deep cleansing with a mud pack, you may feel that your skin has changed into a soft and smooth one.
- COMPACT AND HYGIENIC PACKAGE: On top of 8 individual mud packs, Mini Pack Brush is included to provide delicate and detailed application. Each pack is prepared in a separate packaging for hygienic use, and each of them contains 15g of mud, which would be abundant for your face.